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Thank you all for visiting my blog! I hope when you leave you feel enlightened and really enjoyed what you read! Come back often for new posts. :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One of "those" days

Have you ever had a day where you simply felt completely inadequate?  Today was that day for me.  The kids had a snow day today (actually it was an ice day)  I don't really feel like talking about it, but it has to do with my natural skill as a parent.  I don't think I really have it.  I feel better just saying it out loud.  Isn't admitting something the first step to recovery?  Hehe.

I did manage to get the majority of my homework done tonight.  There is one assignment I just have no idea how to do, so I am going to completely re-read 2 chapters of my microeconomics textbook tomorrow and figure this stuff out.  Bah!  Lol...

Last night I knitted a new hat for my nephew Wesley.  I uh, think I made it too small, though.  Haha!  I used my smallest loom because he is only 1 year old, but really, this thing looks like it's meant for an infant.  So I think I will send it to LiAna since her baby is due in April.  I do have a loom that's a size larger and I think it will end up making a perfect hat for Wes.  His big head!  :)  Hahaha.  He is just so precious.  <3

I'm off to knitting land!  Along with some decent television I don't get to watch during the day, and especially on snow days!!  My kids have been home for 4 days and I am ready to pull my hair out!  Lol!  They are my life though, and wouldn't trade them for anything.  Love my bebes!  Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the Mama bugs bite (that's what I say to my daughter right when she goes to sleep, and she says Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the baby bugs bite!  Then we proceed to bite at each other)!  Goofy?  Yes.  Adorable?  100%. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hola, Bonjour, Hello!

Hey everybody.  It's been a few days since I've written anything.  My work week is actually the weekend, so that's where I've been, add to that the fact that the kids are not in school on the weekend, that makes for a very busy me!
So my mother in law and I have been talking because we are concerned we aren't really making enough money that we need to be.  This is due to our lack of 401(k)'s and health insurance, which is so darn expensive!  We've decided to win the lottery.  I'll tell you about it when we win. *crickets*......

The kiddos go back to school tomorrow and luckily I did enough laundry to last them about 4.5 hours.  Heck I even washed the dishes.  Which will also last about 4.5 hours.  
Off to do the laundry, dishes, knit some more of my scarf, try to relax, maybe watch a show I have on the DVR.  Probably all of the above, at the same time.  Mothers are professional multi-taskers, after all.
Good night!  Much <3

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I wonder if people realize?

I wonder if people realize just how unhealthy and full of yucky chemicals our bodies are?  I'm really sad to have recently found out my ex husband's sister has stage 3 breast cancer.  And the thing is, she's probably one of the healthiest people I know, she's a pharmacist, everything.  But in this day and age, it's amazing any of us live to not get cancer because of all the unnatural garbage we encounter just to live on a daily basis.
That being said, I am going to make part of my soap line organic.  I don't think I can afford to make my whole line organic *right now* but maybe in the future.  As it is, my entire line - with the exception of my lip balms having organic beeswax - is vegan friendly and I know that's important to some people. 
I just have so many ideas in my head and on paper and not enough time or resources to complete everything I would like to.  Ugh.  I need more space to really create and I just don't have it.  It's funny, too.  I am a creative person.  But I can't seem to use my space wisely and creatively.  I pretty much rely on some shelves you screw into the wall, and that's it.  My apartment doesn't have any storage space in it.  Again, ugh!  My lease is up at the end of May, thank goodness for that.  I need to upgrade a little bit. 
Thanks for listening to the vent.  :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Good day! *tips hat*

Today was a good day.  Unfortunately I didn't get to make anymore product but I did get a lot done.  Got to the dentist appointment for the little one on time, my sister Kelli and I went to lunch, then got shopping done.  We got little Wesley his birthday present.  I can't wait for his party later (technically) today.  We're going to pick the kids up from school and go directly there.  It's gonna be a good day.  I didn't make it to the gym but I got all of my homework done.  I will definitely go to the gym later!
One bad thing is I didn't really get any chores done today.  Ok so that's kind of normal.  :)  I'm hoping to be really productive tomorrow during the day.  I want to make some lotion or soap for Valentine's Day.  I think gift baskets will do well for Valentine's.  What do you all think?
This year I want to really nail my packaging and expand the line to include liquid hand soaps and shampoos/conditioners.  I could probably move slightly into makeup, but I think that might be for next year since I am still fiddling with the products I would like to be considered "specializing" in.  Yeah!  This year is going to be really fabulous.  It's my New Year's resolution to make this my best year yet. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Today was dull, yet momentous. Weird, huh?

I had a lazy day today physically.  But I was mentally stimulated.  Ideas were flowing through my head faster than I could write them down!  I had to take a nap, haha.  I have all these business ideas and resolutions I would love to accomplish.  Becoming an actual vendor is my #1 priority.  I thought it was supposed to be fairly easy to get a tax ID but North Carolina is making it kind of difficult.  I just don't know the proper steps I need to take, and in what order.  Bah!  But not to worry, this did not derail me at all.  I signed up for a few new sites in which to sell my soaps and bath products.  
I am going to tell you about the last half of my day, even though it might be kind of boring.  My daughter missed the bus HOME.  Not sure how, and neither does her teacher.  Uhh?  Soooo anyway my (ex-... kind of unnecessary to put this in I guess) sister in law grabbed her and brought her home for me (she lives so close to the school).  We had snacks, did homework, and watched t.v.  Then their grandma came home (she stays with me, long story) and we ran to the store.  Did some shopping and I got some moscato.  Came home, got kids cleaned up and in bed, then I went to the gym.  I've been sick for almost 3 weeks and did not want to get anybody sick so I haven't been going.  Tonight was my first night back.  Ahhhh it felt so good to work out again!  Anyway... now I'm back at home, doing laundry and trying to convince myself to go to bed since I have to get up in 6 hours.  Oh, man.  :(
Well, thanks for reading!  I need to get my comforter out of the dryer.  That might coax me into dreamland :)  Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!  More mundane-ness tomorrow, I promise!  Maybe I will get some new soap or lotion made???  I'll let you know!  I have a dentist appointment for the little one and some major shopping to do so we will see!!!!  